Jan 11 2008

Getting Organized…

Published by at 6:03 am under Stampin'

My stamp room always looks like complete chaos (no, I’m not posting a pix!) and it’s hard for me to find things so I’m really trying to get more organized.  For my birthday my hubby bought me a paper organizer and I just now got it put together and in place.  It’s in my dining room which is where I hold classes and do my actual stamping.


Isn’t it great?!  I absolutely love it…I can see exactly how much I have of each color and I sit right by it to stamp so it’s easy to grab whatever I need.  The little tabs you see laying on top of the paper are temporary, they were the tabs I used for the file folders.  I layed them on there so I would know the colors until I get my shelf labels put on.  My dear friend Lois has this same paper organizer and made the shelf labels for me (thank you!).

 Update 1/30/08:  The organizer was purchased on Amazon.  Here is the link.

Before I sign off…I have to show you my blogging partner, “Q”.  While I’m on the computer he drapes himself across the back of my chair:


7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Getting Organized…”

  1. Kristilyn says:

    Love the paper holder! I think I’d OD on paper if I had one of those.

    Oh, and Q is beautiful. 🙂 All my cat does is steal my ribbon and drag it around the house!


  2. Trina says:

    Found you on the blog roll, cute cat! Can’t wait to see more of your work!

  3. britta says:

    ooh that looks GREAT! Thanks for the good idea!

  4. LOVE the paper organizer! Can you share where hubby got it?

  5. Jenni I. says:

    oooh! I am jealous! I wish I had to room for something like this!! Lucky you!

  6. Mindy says:

    I too use my dining table to stamp, well it has my computer on it too so I just call it my desk. Love the paper holder and your cat!

  7. Jen Orbaker says:

    Very nice way to organize all your paper!

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